Four Sensor Platform Weighing Machine

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Useful For



Market Yard

Metal Market

The electronic weighing system equipped with microprocessor, in-built rechargeable battery and precise electronic display that have added to the efficiency and made it extremely functional in every sphere. Our company provides you with a complete weighing solution of scales from 100 gm to 50 Ton

Model No. Capacity
(In Kg)
(In Gram)
Pan Size
(In mm)
HEPF-1000 1000 100 1000x1000
HEPF-2000 2000 200 1200x1200
HEPF-3000 3000 500 1200x1200
HEPF-5000 5000 1000 1200x1800

Capacity, Accuracy & Pan Size are changes as per requirement.

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